Fight for the body you've always wanted

For the majority of people, myself included, cardio sucks. Whether it's a 40-minute run on treadmill or a 10-minute interval circuit, you're probably not having a lot of fun. If you want to find something that you can actually enjoy, while completing an intense workout, then look no further! Boxing is one of my favourite ways to check cardio off the list - it's VERY fun, challenges your body and mind like no other, and works as a great stress reliever. Thanks to the many different muscle groups recruited for your jabs and kicks, you’re also strengthening body parts that don’t usually get a workout when you run, walk or cycle.
While ladies everywhere are picking up a pair of gloves in favour of more traditional exercises, a lot of people are still intimidated when it comes to something like boxing. Many worry about bruises, bloody noises and over-sized muscles, but I'm not talking about jumping into the ring for a one-on-one fight. Focus on the training aspects, like pad work, bag work and agility drills to help with speed and power, and the next thing you know you've kicked your own ass with a crazy workout.
There is such a wide range of benefits that come along with boxing, a couple of examples are:
You can burn anywhere from 400-800 calories in an hour of boxing training (everyone burns calories at a different rate due to factors like age, gender, height, and body composition);
Increase your muscle tone and cardiovascular fitness;
Improve your core stability, balance, endurance, speed and power;
Improve your co-ordination and body awareness;
Feel better! Boxing is an amazing stress reliever;
Challenge your mind with different punches and combinations, improving memory and also distracting yourself from the intensity of the workout;
And finally, boxing will improve your confidence - nothing makes you feel like more of a badass than the noise you hear when you land a strong, accurate punch right on the sweet spot of the focus pad.
If you’re not achieving the results you want from your workouts, or if you just need a change, ask your local gym if they offer boxing, or you could always join GRIT Fitness' BOXFIT class (shameless plug). If group classes aren't for you, pick up a pair of gloves, pads and a skipping rope for under $100 at any fitness store. Throw away any perceptions you may have about what you can and can't do, throw some mean punches, and get ready to have some serious fun!